Thesis Overview
The purpose of the Master Thesis is to answer to th
e following research questions:
Which are the main differences between onshore and
offshore wind farms.
Which are the most important steps in construction
process of wind farms.
What kind of specifications must be followed in the
design of electrical infrastructure of
wind farm.
What kind of protection systems must be installed i
n the electrical infrastructure of
wind farms.
Which are the most important risks in the installat
ion and operation of electrical
infrastructure of wind farms.
The first chapter a technical analysis of wind farm
s is made and the differences between
onshore and offshore wind farms are analyzed. Speci
fically, all the infrastructures and their
differences between each type of wind farm are desc
ribed. In addition, the differences in
the investment and operation cost as well as in mai
ntenance and wind resource are
In the second chapter, the construction schedule of
the two types of wind farms is analyzed
and recommendations are made for the reduction of t
he construction period of the plants.
In the third chapter, the standards and the specifi
cations that must be followed in the
selection of equipment and the installation of subs
tations and secondary systems for each
type of wind farm are described.
In the fourth chapter, the type of cables in wind f
arms and the standards with which they
must comply are described.
In the fifth chapter, a risk analysis is made durin
g the installation and operation of cables,
substation and secondary systems of wind farms.
In the sixth chapter, the conclusions of the risk a
nalysis for hazardous events in electrical
infrastructure installation and operation are descr
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