This dissertation was written as a part of the MSc in ICT Systems at the International Hellenic University.
Nowadays the interest on data related to power consumption and environmental pa-rameters measurement is constantly increasing due to the need to analyze them and ex-tract information that could lead in reduced consumption for both financial and ecologi-cal reasons. SMART IHU is a project that has already built a network of sensors that collects energy consumption and environmental data and stores them in a relational da-tabase, which imposes constraints on the availability and the usability of the data.
The current dissertation project aims into leveraging the interoperability and the reusa-bility of these data, by publishing them using the Linked Data format and principles and describing them with the use of well-known and widely used ontologies and vocabular-ies. Furthermore, the project defines a set of technologies, tools and methodologies that facilitate the export of relational data, the subsequent conversion to Linked Data and the final import to a triple store that will publish them through the use of a specialized end-point. It also proposes a framework that can be used to automate the whole process in order for new data to be automatically published.
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