Nowadays, the use of bioenergy crops constitutes a rapidly evolving research field as the need for sustainable energy has clearly appeared by the embedment of renewable resources use in environmental policies globally. The European Council has set specific targets by 2020 for the use of energy from renewable sources. The above has resulted to a considerable amount of published works on methods able to provide, among other, information about the available areas for energy crops cultivation. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies on satellite images that are subjected to classification process provide information about the spatial distribution of the available for energy crops-cultivating land. Until now, most of the research efforts are based on classification and focusing on purely rural areas with massive production availability. There is a clear lack in the relevant literature on GIS-based methods focusing on suburb areas unsuitable for food production or residence use.
The present study develops a GIS/classification-based method to present the potential of cultivating marginal land in the suburban area with Cynara carduculus-a Mediterranean plant that provides biofuels, with minimum needs for irrigation and cultivation. The proposed GIS method uses images of IKONOS satellite, the digital cadastral of the area and multiple criteria. After conducting the automated procedure of the classification different land use areas were distinguished to produce the primary mosaic. By combining the manually collected samples to the resulting mosaic image similar types of land use were joined in the same category producing a land use map of the area. On the final map the properties with undeveloped land were distinguished and the total area was estimated. In order to examine the applicability of the proposed methodology, a case study in Prefecture of Pilea is presented. Case study’s results prove that there is a great potential for the cultivation of biocrops in urban marginal land.
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