This dissertation was written as part of the MA in Art, Law and Economy at the International Hellenic University. In this dissertation, there will be an analysis of pharmaceutical patents and some issues that are created due to their existence. In the first chapter, there will be an analy- sis of what is medicine, which are its types and especially an analysis of generics, since they play a major role in in the pharmaceutical industry. In the second chapter, there will be an analysis of the types of pharmaceutical patents and the special certificate for pharmaceuticals, the supplementary protection certificate. Moreover, the economical and technological use of pharmaceutical patents will also be discussed. The interaction of archetypes and generics in the pharmaceutical industry affects this industry through aspects such as competition, parallel import, licenses and access to medicines, issues that will be discussed in the third and fourth chapter. Some case study will be provided concerning not only these issues, but also other great issues, such as the AstraZeneca case, that have affected the pharmaceutical industry. Finally, some conclusions that were made after this research will be provided in the last chapter.
Keywords: competition, generics, medicines, patent, pharmaceutical.
Eleni Beka 22 January 2017
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