This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Energy Management at the International Hellenic University and investigates the impact of macroeconomic announcements on electricity prices. From the beginning, the main problem was the absence of previous literature review focused on this topic. However, it was an incentive for me and my supervisor Dr. Dimitrios Psychoyios for further examination about the topic. As macro economic announcements are used the FOMC meeting news and the CPI and PPI reports ( from Federal Reserve Bank ) , while the electricity prices regard the one day ahead prices from the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). The regression analysis contains an ordinary least squared (OLS) model, giving as a result an evidence that the electricity prices are affected from the announcements. Afterwards, the thesis closes trying to interpret an association between the regression results and the literature review and is given an explanation about the prices influence from the macroeconomic news.
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