This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Strategic Product Design at the International Hellenic University.
Nowadays the manner that consumers and employees communicate has changed dramatically. The ubiquity of mobile devices and the ability to have anywhere and anytime access on information have offered new ways of interaction for both sides. The aim of this dissertation was to explore the impact that mobile technology has had upon the dissemination of information for commercial and management purposes. More specifically, it examined the current use of this type of technology by consumers and companies in order to discover the new trends in the consumers’ behavior and identify the most important benefits and perils that mobile technology has upon the effective communication. The evaluation of the mobility’s influence was carried out through an interview with the manager of a company that has adopted mobile technology in its operations as well as through a survey that was completed by the users of mobile devices. As a result, the findings shed a light on the impact that mobile technology has had upon the communication between consumers and employees.
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