This dissertation was written as
part of the MSc in
Environmental Management and Sustainability
at the International Hellenic University.
The growing and thus far uncontrollable stream of refugees from Middle East and North
Africa has created considerable preoccupation and anxiety to governments and societies
all over Europe.
To establish
the theoretical framework, the concept of humanitarian
logistics will be briefly examined
Historical data from the 19th century onwards will illuminate the fact that this influx is
a novelty in the European continent and
of statistical data will highlight
characteristics and
particularities of the
current refugee wave,
as well as the
possible repercussions these
hosting societies and to displaced populations. Finally, a review of European and national legislation and policies will show that measures taken
so far are disjointed and that no
also humanitarian management strategy exists
Within this context
the thesis will elaborate on the development of a compact accommodation center made of containers, to function as an initial stage in adaptation before
full social integration. This project will aim at maximizing the respect for human rights
and values while minimizing the impact on society and on the environment. The overall
goal is to develop a project versa
tile enough
for implementation on further social groups
in need of support.
The thesis' results could serve as a useful tool for governments and
organizations to better plan ahead and respond fast and efficiently not only in regard to
the actual refugee crisis, but also in any possible similar disaster situation
, including the
potential consequences of climate change.
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