Cross-border electricity trade between European Union´s Member-States has been developed significantly during the last decade and it has proven to be a significant part of the overall European energy strategy. The aim of my dissertation is to explore the regulatory framework of the Greek cross-border electricity trade and the prospects of Greek interconnections with neighboring countries from the perspective of the EU law. Firstly, it is explained why electricity transactions may have a positive effect on the electricity markets of the Member-States. Additionally, an overview of the European regulatory framework on electricity cross-border transactions with an emphasis on Regulation 714/2009/EC is provided. Afterward, an analysis of the Greek Regulatory framework takes place and the procedure of electricity imports and exports in the Greek borders is analyzed. In the end of my dissertation, it is concluded that the cross-border electricity trade in the Greek borders abstains significantly from what it is considered the ideal in the European regulatory framework. However, given that electricity market in Greece is in a transitional phase, these inconsistencies are expected to be minimized progressively in the long-term.
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