dissertation was written as part of
MSc in Banking and Finance at the
International Hellenic University
dissertation he specific work consists of 6 modules
The first section reviews the financial crisis and its consequences on the financial
In the second section there is an approximation of the capital adequacy ratio, a
definition of calculation and
the risks it contains.
The third section refers to the Basel Committee as well as the development from Basil
I to Basil II and end to Basel III for the safeguarding of the financial system.
The fourth section includes the analysis of the main financial in
dicators of the Greek
banks of the published financial statements of each bank.
The fifth section analyzes the capital adequacy ratio as it is presented in the published
statements of each bank.
Lastly, the regression analysis is made in order to find any
correlations between the
financial ratios of the Greek banks and the capital adequacy ratio, as well as the
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