From the research, so far it is known that terracotta figurines as grave offerings are neither frequent nor necessary. However, during the Hellenistic period Aphrodite’s figurines, in a variety of iconographical types, usually with Eros as a companion, dominate the funeral offerings not only in Macedonia but also in other locations such as in Asia Minor. In Hellenistic Veroia, where the local society is familiar with the mystery cults, the goddess syncretizes with Eastern deities who promise immortality to their initiates and thus strengthen her role as protector of the deceased even more. Of great interest, though, is the question why a goddess linked with fertility, beauty and allure becomes the protector of women and young girls in their eternal home. Her funerary dimension is mentioned in ancient sources who attribute her with various chthonic names such as “Μελαινίς”, “Τυμβωρύχος” or ”Μυχεία”. It seems that within the graves, Aphrodite serves as a mother figure, and maybe it is her exceptional beauty that becomes apotropaic for the sorrow and tears Death inevitably brings.
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