This dissertation was written as part of the LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law, Mediation, Arbitration and Energy Law at the International Hellenic University. The present dissertation deals with the (still pending) di(sin)vestment of Public Power Corporation lignite power plant portfolio in the light of the 3rd liberalization package of the EU Energy law. After a long period of internal (as far as Greece is concerned) and external meditation, negotiations and self-postponing reasons of unfortunately and leniently bad strategic interference of the company directly with the political background and indirectly with the shadow syndicate interests, alea jacta est for the PPC to be privatized. Although the privatization procedure of PPC seems not to be taking place from scratch, since similar cases of State-monopolies have already been subject of the ECJ case law, the particular factor which may characterize this situation as “unique” or “one of a kind” is the one dimensional for decades lasting fuel mix of Greece which based its energy capacity completely, even obsessively on lignite. In fact, the whole political and sovereign debt issue that the country faces, bears lignite traces of easy money, corruption, environmental pollution, unjust cost allocation and finally false energy lasting profile consideration to be developed in a manner that “I will rely on lignite as soon as I have it available in huge deposits
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