This dissertation was written as a part of the MSc in
Data Science
at the International Hellenic
in Thessaloniki, Greece
The goal of this thesis was to inform everyone about the
of churning in the telecommunication indus
tries and underline how important it is for them to deal
with it, since their revenue as well as their reputation are directly affected. The first
section introduce
everyone to this global phenomenon and
explains important facts regarding the process of
oining a
telecom industry, how the company handles its clientele and finally, under what criteria is someone
assumed to be a churner. The second pa
rt consists of the literature review, where previous researchers
analyze their insights, their selected class
ifiers that were used to tackle this
as well as the criteria
to evaluate those classifiers. The third section is devoted to the exploratory data analysis
of an online
acquired telecom dataset
, where bar charts and plots are
applied to discover patt
erns, useful
information that may explain
this phenomenon as well as similarities with the already provided
literature. The fourth part is more technical, since it introduces the machine learning part of this thesis,
which will try to predict people that a
re possible to churn. The modules as well
as the parameters
optimization are also stated in this section. Finally, the last part is composed of the conclusion, where
a small revision of what it was
said is stated as well as the limitations and
that can be done to
find a more suitable solution to
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