This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Strategic Product Design at the International
Hellenic University. The study investigates performance-based contracting in retail sector.
Evidence in the context of supply in highly competitive market such as FMCG involving
manufacturers and retailers indicates that the performance that companies buy and sell can be
analyzed as specific combinations of effectiveness, efficiency and risk. Firms engage in a
complex and time-consuming process to design and agree upon performance targets, payment
mechanisms of buying and selling future performance. The conventional procedure of buying
and selling products or services change to an environment of buying and sell performances that
are necessary to gain competitive advantage. The research focuses on retail sector and the
relationship between purchasing managers and suppliers. The research is not focused on the
sub-contractors’ companies e.g. transport companies, logistics centres etc.) between supplier
and the retail company. The study investigates performance-based contracting in long termsupply relationships. Evidence in the context of supply relationships involving suppliers of
consumer B2B companies. This study aims to provide a review and synthesis of the
performance-based contracting (PBC) literature across academic disciplines. The theoretical
framework used to provide a theoretical assumption for the analysis of empirical evidence.
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