This dissertation was written as a part of the Executive MBA at the International
Hellenic University.
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide an inside view of a large company
during change and the problems it is facing in the process of creating a new
corporate culture integrating old and new personnel. This is a rather common
problem mostly in the developing countries where large organizations get
A brief overview of OTE Group is performed at the first section alongside with a
description of the vision, the Mission and the Strategic Planning. Afterwards a
general presentation of Change Management is performed with a focus on specific
matters like the eight step change process, the resistance to change and the
cultural change. Then follows the main part of the dissertation, with the change
management research inside OTE Group, design of the survey, goals and the
analysis of the distributed questionnaires. Next there is a conclusion section
regarding the statistical analysis and finally there is a presentation of the proposed
future improvements regarding change management inside the OTE Group
followed by the general conclusions of this dissertation. At the end the original
questionnaire along with the references and bibliography is provided.
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