This dissertation was written as part of the MA in Ancient History and Classical
Archaeology of Macedonia at the International Hellenic University.
The above thesis will concentrate on female statues and figurines in central
Macedonia. I was intrigued by the female presentation and I would like to examine this
presentation regarding both deities and mortals. The main goal of the thesis is to present
the iconographical depiction of female forms and their connection to society. The
archaeological sites which are going to be examined are in Thessaloniki, Veroia, Pella
and Dion. The number of figurines is quite large; thus, this thesis will focus on Aphrodite,
Isis and mortal, ordinary women. Aphrodite is widely represented in the whole ancient
Greek world and she is also connected to necropolis regarding Macedonian sites. Isis
belongs to the ancient Egyptian cult and her introduction in the Greek world was
revolutionary. The Macedonians accepted Egyptian cults and erected sanctuaries to
honor them. Mortal women are also a part of art, which reflects the actual conception
of the female gender.
In order to understand the analysis of the figurines and statues, the first chapter
provides general information concerning sculpture and figurines’ production. After that,
Aphrodite, Isis and mortal women are going to be presented, because iconography is
directly connected to the historical or mythical background and context that surrounds
these figures. The next chapter will present the four sites in combination to their
findings. Each finding is interpreted based on iconographical and constructional criteria.
The conclusions focus on society’s general conceptions regarding the female gender.
This thesis was completed with the contribution of the thesis’ supervisor Dr. Tsiafaki
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