The following paper is a dissertation entitled “Wine tourism as an
alternative form of tourism and its aspects in Greek economy” which is a personal
work in order to complete my part time studies in the department of “Hospitality and
Tourism Management 2017-2019” of the International Hellenic University that is
located in Thessaloniki, Greece. The acquired knowledge during the course at the
Department led to an in-depth understanding of Wine Tourism and the achievement of
this work.
This paper is about the phenomenon of Enotourism as an alternative form of
tourism. This subject is connected directly to the actual problems of production and
service delivery. It analyzes and refers to the Wine Tourism’s benefits and negative
outcomes during its implementation to the modern lifestyle as also an extensive
research in the need of tourists to discover, experience, participate and learn more
about the special interests which are connected to the history and ordinary life of a
particular destination, thus it is obvious that the recent years more and more visitors
are losing their interest in classic tourism. This particular travelers’ need seems to be
fulfilled by alternative tourism.
This paper is consisted by two parts. The first one refers to the theoretical
part. It is divided in four chapters where it is explained the essence of tourism, of the
alternative tourism, of the wine tourism and lastly of its aspects in Greek economy.
The second part of the paper is the practical work. It is a case study on Gerovassiliou
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