This dissertation was written as part of the MA in the Classical Archaeology and the
Ancient History of Macedonia at the International Hellenic University.
It examines the defensive weapons that were unearthed in Macedonia and are dated
back to the Hellenistic period including the reign of Philip II and Alexander III. The
dissertation consists of three main chapters. The first one deals with a brief review of
the Macedonian weaponry through the ages with emphasis given to the periods prior
to Philip. In the next chapter all the types of defensive weapons are presented and
then it follows an analysis of each one of them individually with a top down sequence.
The weapons that will be studied are the shield, helmet, neck-guard (Περιτραχήλιον),
cuirass and greaves. After their analysis a catalogue follows with the excavated
findings. They are categorized into six groups depending which part of the body they
protect. There is also a seventh group which consists of weapons that were not fully
published or they were only referenced. After the seventh group there is a table with
useful information about all the weapons. The catalogue provides information
concerning the condition of the findings, location, and used materials. Afterwards a
description of each finding is given along with description of its decoration.
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