This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Banking and Finance at the
International Hellenic University.
This thesis examines the impact of capital structure on the performance of the banking
sector in Greece. The analysis is based on the annual financial statements from 2007-
2018 of the four systemic Greek banks listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) such
as: Alpha Bank S.A., Eurobank Ergasias S.A., National Bank of Greece S.A., Piraeus
Bank S.A. Regression analysis has been carried out through the use of Econometric
Views (EViews) 9, having Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and
Earnings per Share (EPS) as performance indicators along with Debt-to-Equity (D/E)
and Debt-to-Assets (D/A) ratios as proxies for capital structure, considering profitability
as a dependent variable and capital structure as an independent one. Moreover, two
control variables, namely the banks’ Size and the banks’ annual Growth rate were also
included in the model. The study reveals that capital structure has a significant impact on
the banks’ performance and presents mixed results since it concluded that the capital
structure has both negative and positive impacts on the banks’ performance. Capital
structure was found to have both negative and positive significant relationship with
Return on Equity, while Debt to Assets has a significant positive relationship with Return
on Assets and Debt to Equity has an insignificant negative relationship with Return on
Assets. Accordingly, Return on Assets was found to have insignificant positive
relationship with capital structure.
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