The purpose of this research is to examine the regulatory framework of gas distribution
operators in Greece. For this purpose to be achieved, the presentation of a) the organization of the Greek gas market organization, b) the evolution of the EU legislation in respect
to the regulatory framework of gas distribution operators that has influenced the respective Greek regulatory framework and, c) the evolution of Greek gas distribution operators
and of the legislation that guided this evolution. The methodology adopted to investigate
all above issues, is the systematic literature review of secondary qualitative sources regarding the regulatory framework of gas distribution operators both on an EU and Greek
level. The results showed that Directive 2009/73/EC and Law. 4001/2011, as well as the
subsequent Law. 4336/2015 and Law.4602/2019, clearly contributed to the acceleration
and deepening of the liberalization of the Greek gas market, by assisting the unbundling
of the gas distribution sector.
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