This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Banking and Finance at the
International Hellenic University.
Initially, the main purpose of the research is to focus on analyzing the financing
methods of SMEs, mainly in the last decade. Therefore, it is important to be
mentioned that the method of financing through banking products and loans and the
alternative ways of SMEs financing will be mainly analyzed, followed by an extensive
analysis of the global financial crisis and how it has affected SMEs financing in the
European Union. Finally, the growth of non-performing loans will be demonstrated in
combination with a reduction in bank lending to SMEs.
The need for new funding resources has led many businesses to seek capital in the
European funding mechanism. The European funding mechanism and financing
products through the European Central Bank will be presented and the way these
financing programs helped SMEs recover after the global financial crisis. Last but not
least a survey of Greek SMEs will be presented. The research is designed to highlight
the ways in which Greek SMEs can be financed, the impact of the global financial crisis
on them, as well as the changes that entrepreneurs are seeking for the future.
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