School of Economics, Business Administration and Legal Studies, MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy
This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Energy Law, Business, regulation
and Policy at the International Hellenic University.
The scope of this dissertation on Greece's energy sector, is to provide a
comprehensive account of the country's energy sector with extensive reference on the
unbundling process of the Public Gas Corporation S.A. (DEPA S.A.).
During the last decade the liberalization of the European Union’s natural gas
market has been acknowledged as a fundamental priority adopted by officials to
promote economic growth and enhance the level of competition in the region.
Although significant progress has been made, competition is slow as the natural gas
industry remains highly concentrated, with relatively little cross-border trade activity.
Taking into account the interesting developments in Greece’s energy sector in
2019, the purpose of this dissertation is to highlight these recent developments in the
national legal framework regarding the liberalization of the natural gas market,
focused on the distribution activity, along with a comparative analysis of the DSOs
unbundling status in other European countries, as well.
Hence, Chapter 1 is an introduction to the subject. The structure of the natural
gas market, on a European level is described in Chapter 2, focusing on the derogations
from the European directives and the basic principles of the internal gas market.
Chapter 3 refers to the current structure of the Greek natural gas market, in particular,
namely the operation of the national natural gas system, the distribution and the
supply activity.
Chapter 4 presents the current operation of the Greek Public Gas Corporation
S.A. (DEPA S.A.) and the new pieces of legislation passed by the Greek government in
2019, namely L. 4602/2019 and L. 4643/2019, which provide for its partial split-off. The
new framework and its legal aspects are analysed in a critical manner, presenting in
addition the challenges it poses for the upcoming privatization of DEPA Infrastructure
In Chapter 5, this dissertation attempts to make a comparative analysis
between the DSOs unbundling regime in different European countries, in order to
furtherly stress the current level of liberalization achieved throughout Europe.
Finally, key conclusions are presented in Chapter 6 of the dissertation.