This dissertation was written as part of the LLM in Transnational and European
Commercial Law, Banking Law, Arbitration/Mediation at the International Hellenic
The aim of this dissertation is to present the fiscal and non fiscal restrictions that may
hinder trade within Member States of the European Union and the possible
justifications of these restrictions. The first chapter analyses custom duties and
charges of equivalent effect to them that are prohibited under article 30 TFEU and the
conditions under which Member States may justify the imposition of such fiscal
burdens on goods. The second chapter concerns the internal discriminatory taxation of
imported goods that is prohibited under article 110 TFEU and the possibility of
Member States to justify the imposition of an internal tax.
The third chapter analyses quantitative restrictions on trade between Member States
and measures of equivalent effect prohibited under article 34 TFEU. These concepts
are analyzed according to the case law of the European Court of Justice that has been
very decisive for the establishment of the free movement of goods. In addition, this
chapter examines possible justifications of restrictions that fall under article 34 TFEU.
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