The main purpose of this review is to analyze and categorize the innovations in
the public sector and their possible reasons to fail. There are many examples from
literature review that have a conclusion in this classification and the target is for the
next possible inventors to follow this list of not to do steps in order to avoid possible
failures and take the right decisions. Also, there are describing some types of failure’s
innovation that we could face up and we make a categorization about the field of the
failure and the types that exist. Some of them are economic, lack of resources either
human resources or in another field and decisions that are against policy interests.
Moreover, this review has begun to analyze and categorize the innovations in the
public sector and their possible reasons for failure. In order to be able to understand
the reasons that lead to failure a chapter with the meaning of innovation and the ease
of the implementation in the public sector have been included.
There are many examples of literature review that focus on finding the reason
that led an innovative project to its failure so as the next possible inventors to follow
right decisions that will result in the successful implementation. However, there are
many types of innovations and each one has its own characteristics and area where it
takes place. In this paper we are going to examine open innovations and the four basic
categories of innovations in the public sector which are divided in product, process,
communication and organization. As for the place, there have been identified some
case studies that focus on the clusters of implementation in the sectors of education,
construction and health care. Furthermore, according to the type of governance the
clusters defers so different types of them have been included. Lastly, the possible
failures that a public organization can face up are categorized according to the field
that they are applied to. Some of these clusters are, the economic factors, poor
leadership, lack of human and material resources, governmental policies and all of
them are modified in order to match with the environment that they appear in.
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