More vital than ever before is MICE industry’s contribution to Thessaloniki’s profitability and brand awareness. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic, MICE sector is one of the hardest-hit industries globally and one of the last ones to fully recover. The study’s objectives constitute to examine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Thessaloniki’s MICE industry and the effectiveness of Thessaloniki’s MICE stakeholders’ response to the crisis. Further literature of MICE industry’s concept, benefits, as well as literature of crises types, previous crises, COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts internationally and nationally are reviewed. Additional literature of crisis management and successful case studies are examined as secondary data and consciously used for the achievement of study’s goals. The research is conducted by using the qualitative method of interviews and interviewees are chosen based on their contribution to Thessaloniki’s MICE industry. The primary data reveal the devastating impact of COVID-19 on Thessaloniki’s MICE sector and emphasize the high level of uncertainty. The study also examines the future impact of COVID-19 crisis which have already led to the new normal of a digital world. The effectiveness of Thessaloniki’s MICE stakeholders’ response is categorized and further analyzed into two stages; the pre-crisis stage of planning and the during-crisis stage of response and recovery. The research indicates the resilience and professionalism of all participants, as well as their prompt response and adaptation to the unprecedented circumstances. The study highlights the importance of coordination between key stakeholders, as the vital ingredient for recovery, as well as the necessity of a crisis management plan. Further recommendations in regards to the post-crisis stage are provided, for a prompt and effective recovery, not only in Thessaloniki’s MICE industry, but nationally.
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