This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Management at the International
Hellenic University. The burnout phenomenon in the Thessaloniki Municipal Police is
examined via a questionnaire based on the oPSQ and the MBI-HSS burnout
measurement tools. A total of 170 employees participated in the survey. The
questionnaire’s reliability was measured equal to 71,7% in total and 91,25% using two
sets of control questions, while the questionnaires used from literature are 93% and
81% reliable. The questionnaire’s validity was measured equal to 0,898 which reflects a
highly adequate sample and a highly valid questionnaire.
Employees burnout is as a hot topic in the fields of management of organizations and
HR management. Although it was firstly introduced forty years ago, the contemporary
challenges in modern organizations have created the circumstances under which
burnout thrives. Employees working in demanding, competitive, impersonal,
unfulfilling workplaces face gradual emotional, mental and physical exhaustion, which
has significant negative effects on their wellbeing, job satisfaction and performance.
A low intensity, at its early stage burnout was measured in the organization since the
mean burnout score was measured 4,16 with a 2,67 standard deviation on a 7 point
Likert scale. Age, educational background, years of service, marital status, income and
days of sick leave were identified as strong burnout predictors. More factors driven by
the workplace and shaped by the participants personalities such as emotional
intelligence, liking and being proud of their jobs, faith in own potential, agitation,
stress, citizens and supervisors feedback, disappointing duties, salaries and
performance evaluation methods, communication, working on night shifts or overtime
and bureaucracy were also identified as strong burnout predictors.
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