This dissertation was written as a part of the MSc in e-Business and Digital Marketing at the International Hellenic University. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between customers and e-satisfaction in Greece and to examine the differences between the two genders and e-satisfaction. For this purpose, this study focuses on six measurements that affect e-satisfaction. The results that we will extract we expect give better knowledge to the marketers about the Greek online customers on the issue of the satisfaction from online shopping. In order to get the answers to our research questions we used the data of an online survey of 120 people in Greece. The statistical analysis showed that the factors efficiency, system availability, order fulfillment, privacy settings and perceived value are positively correlated with the customer's loyalty for consumers in Greece and the strongest correlation with customer's loyalty have the perceived value and the order fulfillment. Meanwhile male and female react differently in terms of the e-satisfaction regarding the factors of “system availability” and “order fulfillment”. Finally, regarding the consumers, the factor of having or having not made a purchase in the site that was tested did not affect their purchase or repurchase intention from the site. In the future, other research can be done on this topic for Greece using a larger sample size and running more correlation tests or they could be done in relation to other European countries to identify any differences.
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