Employer Branding as a competitive advantage in attracting, recruiting, and retaining high quality employees.
The aim of this research was to examine how people understand the concept of employer branding and
through this to finally conclude that employer branding creates a competitive advantage for companies
that use it in the process of attracting, recruiting, and retaining employees of high standards. The aim of
the research was to be based on perceptions. As many times the perception that exists for something is
stronger than the reality. In the world of marketing and branding, the perception that consumers have of
a product or a company (in the case of employer branding, the employees) is much more important than
the practices followed, as these perceptions are the ones that really lead companies to gain a competitive
For the purpose of the research, apart from the literature study, a questionnaire was used with 210
participants with different professional qualities (students, job candidates, employees, employers, human
resources professionals) so that we could examine the issue from the point of view of all stakeholders.
The present research differs from those that have been conducted so far on the subject, as it examines
the subject on the basis of people's perceptions of it. Concluding that employer branding is a competitive
advantage, some suggestions are made on how to integrate it even more convincingly into our lives, as
well as some suggestions for further research.