Continuing education and training are now considered as a necessary condition for any personal, work and social need. With the rapid development of Information and Communications Technology, it has become clear that e-learning acquires a very important role as a cognitive and training tool because it meets the need for more flexible and long-term training. Hospitality and Tourism sector is the most financially beneficial business area for Greece, and it employs thousand employees. Hospitality and Tourism sector relies upon the service that employees offer to the guests, so the need for an immediate, modern, flexible and ongoing training for employees as well as the necessity for low cost and minimum working time loss training could be satisfied by the adoption of e-learning as a training method. This research paper aims to examine initially if the 4* and 5* Greek seasonal hotels apply the e-learning as training method or not. The conducted primary research and the data analysis tries to highlight the perceptions that employees have for the use of e-learning as their training tool and to emphasize to the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. Finally, using the observations carried out the author tries to suggest recommendations for possible use of e-learning in various departments of the hotels. Living in the crisis that the existence of Covid-19 virus created in all the social and working aspects of life and its severe circumstances, the Hospitality and Tourism sector is the most damaged. The health crisis and disruption to daily life will be followed by a humanitarian and economic crisis that people have never experienced before. It is not clear when we will be able to go back to our "new" normal life. The new normal will be different than before. We do not know when and we do not know how we will get there. But for sure in the after-virus new reality the Hospitality and Tourism sector should be remodeled.
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