The introduction of this thesis consists of five parts. In the first part, we will state
the general topic and outline the background of it. The second part indicates the
research questions. The third part will include the contribution of this thesis. The next
part will state the objectives of the research. Finally, in the last part, we will outline the
structure of this thesis.
The core of this thesis is based on face tracking using an automated emotion
recognition model in mobile phones. Therefore, this chapter will introduce
Neuromarketing and more specifically face recognition and its application in
Neuromarketing. Moreover, an extended review of Machine learning and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) models will be also included. Face recognition and Emotion detection
mobile applications will be included in the literature review part. Finally, emotion
recognition in food marketing will conclude this part.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the methodology we followed giving
clear details of the method. Specifically, in this part, we will analyze the whole procedure
in three steps that are face detection, extraction of the features, and classification. In
parallel, part of the methodology is verification which will be achieved with a
questionnaire specially designed to be answered by the people who will participate in
the research. In this part, we will also provide the description of the food campaigns
used in this research.
In this part, we will present in figures (tables, photographs) and written text
what we found out concerning our research questions including details and how they
were analyzed step by step. We will also comment on the significance of key results and
critically evaluate the study by interpreting and explaining the results.
In the final chapter, we will summarize the results and the details of this thesis.
We will clearly restate the thesis statement and answer the main research question
explaining how it can contribute to the field of Neuromarketing and Artificial
Intelligence. The final part is the recommendations for future work on the topic as well
as the knowledge we gained through this process
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