Hospitality and tourism industry has joined a spurt of massive growth all over the world. More
destinations, new types of tourists, new management practices as well as brand new
technological tools are developed in order to enrich the tourism product. Thus, tourism
enterprises are called to face and follow this massive development. The establishment of
effective sales processes in order to compete in the global market has become significant. In
this continuously progressing environment, sales representatives should focus on their
organizational goals in order to gain a competitive advantage and increase sales.
The increase of sales is of primary importance for every organization in hospitality and
tourism industry. The present dissertation aiming in the investigation of the importance of
personal selling as a sales process in city hotels at Thessaloniki, Greece. Thessaloniki is a
modern city and the biggest urban center of northern Greece. Tourism has flourish in
Thessaloniki over the last years resulting in the increase of new tourism enterprises.
By conducting semi-structured interviews with sales managers and sales representatives in
Thessaloniki, Greece, the present dissertation examines the way salespeople of the city,
consider the personal selling to be vital for gaining organizational goals.
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