Our world is going through a radical and fast-paced change with technology and its wide variety of
uses and implementations is a major contributing factor towards it. This drastical change affects every
aspect of our everyday lives, from the way we work and operate to the way we live and communicate.
Digital transformation is expected to play a vital role for humanity and to have unprecedented
consequenses in the years to come. In this endeavor there should be an extensive involvement of public sector organizations, private enterprises, as well as civilians.
The intension of this dissertation is to analyze the concept of digital transformation, the current status
of digital transformation in Greece, the characteristics and features that are considered to be vital for
the success, the impediments and obstacles that may arise, as well as the enables and contributing factors that positively affect such an effort.
In an attempt to comprehend digital transformation a historic overview of the phenomenon is given, as
well as the impact that it has on various aspects of society and organizations and a reference is made
about the digital transformation of governments and public sector organizations in general. The dissertation then concentrates on the concepts of barriers and drivers that affect the process and some wideknown frameworks are presented. Then an attempt is made to describe the digital strategy of Greece
regarding digital transformation and a comparison is attempted between Greece and the other European countries, with the use of statistics and reports. An effort is made also, to identify the problems that
exist and hinder our country to obtain a better position in rankings, regarding the digital public services. Then barriers and drivers to digital transformation are investigated by using secondary data from
the literature and these are utilized to analyze three case studies of transformational efforts in Greece
regarding the barriers and drivers, based on a framework that is identified from the literature. The next
step focused on analyzing the findings from the case study examination. Lastly, the study stated the
conclusions that were reached and some possibilities for further research were also set.
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