This thesis is part of the MSc in Management at International Hellenic University. The
scope of this study is to explore whether remote work had an impact on employee’s
work performance in Greece, during the pandemic of COVID-19. Earlier studies were
used to identify the knowledge gap and form the goals of this study. To further investigate the objectives, primary data through a questionnaire were collected from employees that worked during the COVID-19 period. Factors that affect employees’ performance such as work-life balance, well-being and job satisfaction were investigated
in this study using data that were received from a questionnaire. The results of this research contribute to prior literature by providing findings of the impact of remote work
on employees’ work performance, as well as future suggestions for research. The results from the quantitative research can add value to the existing literature regarding
the work performance of employees. Lastly, suggestions for future investigation regarding the former topic are presented.
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