The era of digital transformation is currently more prevalent than ever in business.
Enhancing specialized human resources is crucial for ensuring both economic and
social plenty in the face of today's challenging job profiles. More specifically, this
growing demand for skilled workers has widened the gap between what businesses need
– and can’t find – and what specialists are available on the job market. Higher education
is essential for developing the next generation of professionals and providing them with
modernized skills and competencies, acting as a base upon which such talents and skills
might develop. The goal of modern higher education institutions is to equip students
with a comprehensive knowledge base that will help them develop their employability
skills, become in-demand professionals, and stay competitive in the job market for the
next 30 to 40 years.
This study focuses on the case of Greece, a developing economy, and its efforts to
improve employability through a shaky higher education system. This study aims to
investigate how Greece and its higher education institutions assist students in
developing and enhancing the skills and competencies needed by the modern labor
market while keeping up with the pace of digital transformation.
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