The e-Health domain is characterized by a wide range of data sources, including elec-tronic health records, clinical trial databases, and wearable devices, among others. While these sources provide valuable information for healthcare professionals, their heterogeneity can make it difficult to integrate the data effectively. Semantic data in-tegration aims to address this challenge by enabling the integration of data from di-verse sources in a way that allows for meaningful analysis and interpretation.
To address these challenges, various approaches have been developed for semantic da-ta integration in the e-Health domain. These approaches typically involve the use of standardized terminologies and ontologies to enable the mapping of data from differ-ent sources to a common representation.
Overall, semantic data integration is a crucial aspect of e-Health systems, as it allows for the creation of a comprehensive view of a patient's health, enabling more effective decision-making and improved patient outcomes. This thesis discusses the key con-cepts and technologies related to semantic data integration in the field of brain diseas-es, and presents the entire process with examples of how it has been applied in practice to support the analysis and management of brain diseases within the context of an EU-funded research project called ALAMEDA.
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