The continuous expansion of the Web and the eCommerce have offered new
opportunities and tools to businesses. However, one of the most common problems of
online businesses is the cart abandonment phenomenon which, according to studies,
results in $18 billion annual loss in Ecommerce stores. Hence, in an effort to increase
revenues and reduce the cart abandonment phenomenon, marketers have adopted
practices such as reminder messages though notifications or emails. However, many
consumers often see these marketing practices as pervasive or annoying, causing a
negative effect rather than improving cart abandonment. Thus, the present study
examines the factors that drive consumers to reject reminder messages and react to
advertisements. An online survey was conducted to evaluate customers’ stances
towards reminder messages and discover the impact of the factors on the boomerang
effect. The analysis was performed using the SPSS Software, included descriptive
statistics and regression, and revealed that inferences of manipulative intent, privacy
concerns, intrusiveness and creepiness have a positive effect on reactance towards
reminder messages. Solutions to cart abandonment are also presented.
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