This dissertation was written as a part of the MSc in e-Business and Digital Marketing
at the International Hellenic University.
The popularity of social media is growing day by day, since the try to close the gap of
communication between individuals. However, social media can create benefits and opportunities for the society at all. YouTube belongs to the well-known social media
counting millions of users. The benefit of this platform is the communication that offers
through exchanging video content. Even though YouTube daily use is regarding to
watch videos for entertainment, there is also the capability for an individual to learn
from it. The main goal of this dissertation is to find the sentiment of the individuals
through analyzing the comments of educational videos. Those comments were drawn
from the platform through YouTube Data API and google sheets, after sentiment analysis is applied using two different methods VADER and TextBlob in order to detect the
main sentiment. Both of the analyses showed that the dominant sentiment is neutral
while positive is second and final the negative in the last place. Also, in the comments
applied topic clustering utilizing the method of LDA in order to recognize topics and
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