This dissertation was written as a part of the MSc in e-Business & Digital Marketing at
the International Hellenic University. The title of this dissertation is “Email marketing in
grabbing customer attention towards products and services in retail sector”. Basically,
this thesis is separated into two parts. The first part is a literature review, which focuses
on what other researchers studied about different possible effects of different features in
email marketing and the second part is a statistical analysis of a questionnaire, based research that aims to investigate how specific features affect customers' attention in email
marketing, concentrating on three types of content, personalization and general structure
of promotional emails. Then a questionnaire-base study is conducted on 113 of participants to examine their behavior on different elements in email marketing. As the results
indicated consumers pay a lot of attention to sender’s name (company), the format of the
subject line, the level of personalization and the frequency of receiving promotional
emails. Last but not least, a successful email campaign should include characteristics that
effect customer engagement, which is positive associated with customers’ purchase intention.
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