The aim of the thesis was to investigate the phenomenon of work-related stress, specifically the
case of employees in administrative positions, with a final sample of 86 people. This paper used
the questionnaire to investigate whether they first knew what work-related stress was, whether
they felt stressed at work, whether they found their work interesting, whether they had enough
time for their personal hobbies outside of work, and what symptoms they experienced due to their
work stress. In addition, the questionnaire contained questions about the phenomenon of burnout
and the resulting symptoms such as drug use, alcohol consumption or eating. The objectives of
this thesis are to investigate if work stress (in managerial positions) leads to burnout, to investigate
when working from home leads to more productivity then if work stress in employees in
managerial positions is increased compared to other employees and if so, to examine these
reasons, to investigate if employees in managerial positions learned to manage their stress better
than other employees, because of their responsibilities.
The results of the survey showed that there is initially a correlation between work-related stress
among administrative employees and burnout, but there is no correlation between working from
home and increased productivity. Furthermore, there is no correlation between employees in
administrative positions compared to other employees belonging to a different field of work, and
since there was no correlation, we understand that there is no reason to consider them. Finally,
our research has shown that administrative employees have learned to manage their stress better
because of their responsibilities.
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