The main purpose of this work is to present the importance and necessity of a leg-‐
islative regulation on remedial action concerning contaminated land. The first intro-‐
ductory chapter includes the concepts and definitions of land contamination and brief
remediation legislation in North America and Western Europe. The second chapter
presents the advantages of remediation.
The third and fourth chapters are describing the contents, scope and level of a re-‐
medial contract and provide information for each one of the different contract types.
In the fifth chapter Germany’s remediation planning is presented. Chapter six analyses
the legislative framework relevant to soil remediation in Greece. The conclusions are
included in the final chapter.
I am heartily thankful to my supervisor, Dr. jur. Giorgos Christonakis, whose en-‐
couragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to
develop an understanding of the subject.
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