The global community has now, realized that the replacement of fossil fuels with
alternative energy sources, is a must for the planet needs. More and more scientists are
matching their views on global warming and foreshadow an ominous future for the Earth if
no drastic changes occur in the way we produce energy for humanity needs. Alternative
forms of energy, such as wind and solar, are considered in advance inexhaustible and clean
and zero CO2 pollutants produced as also the mature stage of their technological evolution,
render them as the leading edge of this regenerative change.
In Greece, the goods of wind and sun are galore and its territory is suitable for such
energy investments. Of course, as in all over the world, so in Greece, everything that is
subject to change causes reactions. The institutional factors that must objectively inform the
public about the new and innovative do not seem to carry out their mission resulting the
world to be vacillating on whether the impending energy change is consistent with the
planetary and individual interest. The social acceptance of wind and solar farms must be
earned and not imposed by economic and political factors. Public’sΝview needs to be recorded
in order to imprint its attitude and under it to make further steps. Under this reasoning, the
survey below has been created in order to give another voice to citizens who live -in this
case- primarily in the cities and away from power plants of conventional or renewable
sources. It is customary to be asked about their views residents living near such facilities but
for such an energy initiative that affects the entire population, it is also needed for the rest to
be asked.
Society, in general, determines to a large extent the political and economical
developments and over the years increasingly realizes its position and strength on the
economic and political affairs. However, any preconceptions must be bent and should be
honesty between people who have in their hands the political and financial power and the
people who experience the beneficial or not results of this power. This will only happen if
there is impartial information, critical thinking and constructive dialogue between the bodies
because the smooth energy transition doesn’tΝ seemΝ to be, nor was from the outset, an easy
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