Natural ecosystems and biodiversity are characterizes by the majority of the benefits
that they offer to human beings. This support is extremely threatened by the changes
in the climate, the biodiversity loss that may occur because of the transformation of
the temperature to plus 3oC. In recent years we have witnessed a progressive climate
change and the important global impact but the financial crisis tends to distract from
the long-term benefit of investment in climate change adaptation. The changes will be
huge, according to the IPCC (2007) there will be a 3oC warming which is expected to
tranform about one fifth of the world’ s ecosystems. All these factors explain the
urgent need of adopting actions. Greece in an effort to follow the policies of the
European Union has recommendatory Commission Study Impact of Climate Change
(EΜΕΚΑ) that aims to present in detail the projected climatic and environmental
changes, to assess the cost of these changes for the Greek economy and to assess the
cost of adaptation to climate change. Thus estimated to be offered the opportunity to
contribute to the knowledge in designing a uniform policy for adapting the Greek
economy. The results of the study conducted in collaboration of experts from different
reasons sectors demonstrate not only the need for action to address climate change
and the need for further in-depth research, which will help and provide appropriate
direction to the next generations. Prompted by the above study created, this
dissertation aims to contribute to the action preceded by scientists.
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