This thesis addresses the complex concept of sustainable tourism on a European and global scale. First of all, the meaning of the tourism industry is given shortly and the context of the types and divisions of tourism as well. Following, there are analyses for tourism development. Afterwards, follow various interpretations for sustainability, Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism Development with it’s policy intruments. The arguments for sustainable tourism are presented shortly after. Moreover, the negative and positive ecological, financial as well as societal-cultural effects of tourism are presented after. Furthermore, there is an analysis of stakeholder management and the way it’s linked to sustainable tourism. Leading to the main body of the thesis, where the concepts of globalization, global tourism, sustainable tourism tools and hegemony are explained in full with related Tables as well. The links among most of the aforementioned concepts are presented as well. Following after is a chapter about the usefulness and importance of sustainability indicators. The focus of the thesis afterwards is on the European Union. How the union is linked to tourism and sustainable tourism. As well as the various steps that the European Union has taken mainly to promote Sustainable Tourism Development. But also essential information about initiatives in the EU is presented as well. The European Commission’s Tables and data on Tourism and European competitiveness are presented right after. The data from Tables 6 and 7 are from the year 2011. It was an important year that highlighted the significance of tourism in the EU. But also Table 8 illustrates the arrivals of tourists at the EU countries and the returns percentage that was achieved. Comparisons can be made through these data dating from 2001 to 2011. Following after is the 9th chapter with the sub-chapters for the methodology, research aims, the gathering data methods, the design of the survey tools and research sample as well as for the limitations that this research had. The research aims mostly concern the links among the tourism industry, sustainable tourism, the EU and the concept of globalization. Afterwards, the analyses of the findings and their interpretations are presented at the next chapters. The 12th chapter follows after with the conclusions for overall context, findings of this thesis along with some recommendations. At the end, there are the list of references and the appendices.
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