We have all experienced the past seven years the consequences of the recent financial crisis that surely has a large impact in our lives. The recession is still on the track and major government and financial institution still try to find a solution or a way out.
As we know this crisis started bursting out in the United States in 2007, with the collapse of sub-prime backed securities (US housing bubble) and the toxic effect they had to several investors that had exposure to these securities.
So we depict that this crisis underscored the importance of understanding financial instability especially in the context of managing credit risk with particular emphasis on the banking sector.
Some say that we are at the end of this crisis, others on the other hand believe that the recent recession will remain in our lives for many years to come. I believe that we owe to study and monitor constantly the factors that started the crisis because new things may come up that can help us solve or understand it. The purpose of this research is to study the factors (macroeconomic and bank specific) that affect credit risk in the US banking system. We should not forget that this is the banking system that “exported” the recession in many other countries including Greece also.
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