This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Banking and Finance at the International Hellenic University.
By measuring the performance of Japanese equity and fixed - income investment trusts that invest in assets domiciled in Japan during the time period between January 2004 and December 2013, using various measures of performance, conclusions are reached about the funds’ performance, as well as, the selectivity skill and the market - timing ability of Japanese funds’ managers. The outcome of the investigation shows failure in the majority of both the equity and fixed - income investment trusts to outperform the corresponding benchmarks, while regarding the behavior of funds’ managers no significant positive asset - picking ability or market - timing skill can be attributed for all the time period and sub - periods under examination.
We would like to thank our supervisor Dr. C. Grose for his valuable encouragement and support throughout all of this period. His comments and suggestions gave us the necessary aid in order to overcome the obstacles we encountered.
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