This dissertation was written as part of the MA Art, Law and Economy at the International
Hellenic University.
Databases have a significant and crucial role in the information society and technological
world because they provide access to vast amounts of information and knowledge in a direct,
quick and automated way. As a consequence, they are in the ‘limelight ‘of the investment
market while there is also the necessity of a uniform and steady legal framework
for the protection of database authors’/makers’ rights.
The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the existing legal framework for the protection of
databases in Greek legal system after the implementation of the Directive 96/9/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases
which aims to harmonize the treatment of databases under copyright law, and
creates a new sui generis right for the makers of databases which do not qualify for copyright
protection. In Greek Copyright Act (L.2121/1993), the Directive was incorporated as
national law with L.2819/2000.The general characteristics of databases (their definition
and types) are presented in the first chapter, while the second chapter goes over the legal
framework for database protection under both copyright and sui generis right. Apart from
the thorough analysis of the legal protection of databases, emphasis will also be given to
the evaluation of Directive 96/9/EC as part of my conclusions.
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