This dissertation was written as part of the MA in Art, Law and Economy at the International Hellenic University.
This study analyses the protection of photography under Law 2121/1993 Copyright, Related Rights and Cultural Matters. The Greek Copyright Act makes clear that copyright protection begins automatically upon the creation of the work and no registration or other formality is required. “Originality” is the sole criterion for protection. Moreover it protects only the expression of an idea and not the idea itself. In the Copyright Act there is a list of economic rights that granted to the authors and a list of five different moral rights that protect authors’ personal connection to their work.
The intention of this attempt is to focus upon the rights of photographers and upon the way they shall secure and enjoy the fruits of their labor .A brief explanation of the article concerning the protection of photographs and a brief analysis of case law are also provided.
My sincere hope is that the result of this work will elucidate the reader on the subject and will benefit any further analysis.
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