As the organic market continues to grow in Greece, consumers’ purchasing
behaviour for organic products has emerged as an essential research topic. Moreover,
the domestic organic industry has been constantly growing, and the organic
consumers’ profile continuously evolves.
The purpose of this study is to investigate:
• The effect of various demographic factors on
o consumers’ purchase history for organic products
o consumers’ purchase likelihood for various categories of organic
o consumers’ organic attitude and consumers’ perception of organic
• The relationship between consumers’ willingness to spend more on
organic products and (a) consumers’ organic attitude and (b) consumers’
perception of organic products. Specific hypotheses were developed to
investigate this relationship. These hypotheses are presented in the next
To accomplish this goal, we developed a large scale survey.
The main findings indicate that consumers who exhibit high health preventing
behaviour are more likely to spend more on organic products. Furthermore, it is
important for them to eat healthy, safe and high quality products. Organic products
need to be certified and be widely available.
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