GR Semicolon EN

Collection Policy

  1. Scope of the collection:

    IHU Repository is the Open Access Institutional Repository of the International Hellenic University. The repository includes scholarly works and research affiliated with the International Hellenic University. These cover all academic disciplines, schools and departments of the University.It also holds a collection of the Municipality of Thessaloniki that includes the digitized archive of the minutes of the city council meetings that cover the years 1915 – 1995.

  2. Repository collection

    IHU Repository may hold any material type. This may include:
    Master’s dissertations
    Doctoral theses
    Versions of published journal articles (pre-print, post-print, published versions)
    Conference proceedings and papers
    Working papers
    Technical reports
    Audio, video, images, multimedia files and Web content

  3. IHU Repository accepts all file formats. For exceptions that are determined to be proprietary, obscure or obsolete we may proceed to file conversion and/or migration to different formats.