The European Commission supports open access as the standard way of disseminating publicly funded research in the European Union and includes open circulation of knowledge as one of the five priorities of the European Research Area (COM(2012) 392 final 1 ).
In the summer of 2012 it recommended that Member States develop national policies that will provide open access to publicly funded research and that RFOs and RPOs accordingly develop their own policies, coordinated at the national and European level (C(2012) 4890 final 2 ).
Further, open access will be required for all peer-reviewed publications resulting from Horizon 2020 funding Horizon 2020 also includes a pilot action on open access to research data. Moreover, the European University Association (, already in 2008, has issued recommendations regarding open access 3 and in a recent joint memorandum drawn up with the European Commission (2013) 4 both parties decided on open access to publicly funded research (publications and data) and the creation of open access repositories.
At national level, Law 4310/2014 on research, technology development, innovation and other regulations, supports open access to publicly funded research and is in line with the relevant European legislation.
By removing legal, commercial and technological barriers to access of scientific information the research process becomes more efficient and research results more visible. Furthermore, open access prevents duplication, fosters knowledge and technological transfer and promotes innovation.
Different stakeholders in the scholarly communication system benefit from open access to scientific research and research data:
Finally, widened and improved transparency of the scientific process and the consequent access to knowledge leads to more science-literate citizens, better capable of thriving in the complexities of the 21st century.
Taking the above into consideration, the International Hellenic University ANTICIPATES that the faculty, associates and students will maximize the access, usage and applications of their findings. Subsequently,
Effective from 10/02/2015 the International Hellenic University (IHU):
The above regulations apply for all publications produced after this policy comes into effect.
Further, the International Hellenic University:
Your article has been accepted for publication in a scientific journal and as all your fellow researchers you would wish for its broadest possible dissemination and for the biggest possible impact in the academia. Nevertheless, it is usual that the publication agreement that you have signed with the journal’s publisher will not allow you to do so.
We take for granted that you would never deliberately hide your research from an audience that would benefit from it. By signing a limiting publishing contract though, you are also limiting the scientific audience which you address and you are reducing your impact as author.
This happens when, in accordance with the traditional publishing contract, all rights including copyright, are transferred to the journal. You would possibly wish to include part of your article in future work. Also, you might wish to distribute copies of your article to your students or colleagues. And surely you would like to upload your article in your personal web page or the institutional repository, if you have this option. All these ways of disseminating your research and achieving your goals as a researcher/member of academia are restricted due to the traditional publishing contract you have signed.
Nevertheless, there is a way to retain all these rights of critical importance. The International Hellenic University encourages its researchers to only grant publishers those rights necessary for the publication. Moreover, IHU encourages its researchers to use the author’s contract addenda information that are actually used for the preservation of the authors’ rights, such as SPARC Author Addendum, which is a legal act amending the publishing contract and allows you to retain basic rights for your articles. The SPARC Author Addendum is an open access resource developed by SPARC in cooperation with Creative Commons and Commons Science and established non-profit organisations, providing a series of options as regards copyright for various creative efforts.
IHU encourages its members to deposit in the IHU Repository (which offers open access to the research data, enables data citation through persistent identifiers (handle), provides quality metadata, including acknowledgement of research funding, based on accepted guidelines and standards), all research datasets that serve as evidence for publicly available research reports and/or citation in peer-reviewed publications.
The International Hellenic University is committed to ensuring the curation and long-term preservation of research results deposited in IHU Repository.
For the production of this Policy, the International Hellenic University was based on the guidelines of the open access policies of Medoanet
The International Hellenic University is committed to increasing the number of resources, tools and options of the IHU Repository, to facilitate the deposit, to train researchers to use the Repository, to provide information on copyright, to investigate data management drafts, and to develop a long-term preservation management plan.
Although this policy applies only to those publications subsequent to the date it comes into effect, the International Hellenic University encourages its members to deposit in the IHU Repository the publications authored prior to this date and to make them openly accessible, whenever possible.
In cases of publications, as defined in paragraph 1, for which the author invokes confidential information and data, written evidence of the confidentiality is required to be provided by the author. In every publication that confidential information and data that render open access impossible are included, the publication will mandatorily be deposited in the IHU Repository as a hidden file, i.e it will be visible only to the administrators of the IHU Repository, the author and any other third party (person or legal institution) that the author will grant access. As far as theses are concerned, apart from the author, access will be given to the supervisor and the three members of the evaluation committee. Open access will apply to the metadata of these publications.
Finally, the deposit is mandatory on the basis of archiving, evaluating and long term preservation of the academic output of the Institution and obtaining the relevant diploma in cases of Master’s and PhD theses.